Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Illustration Contest: Character Design

Great work everyone in the last contest. It's fun for me to see how everyone is progressing individually. Keep up the hard work. For this next quick draw contest we're going to center it around developing characters for a story. (Thank you Scott for the idea.) In this contest you're to come up with a character, could be for a story, and to work on developing who they are or how they look. Possible interpretations of the contest could include: various designs in appearance, different poses to explore personality, different clothes or coverings, or whatever else you come up with, just keep it centered on a character.

I'm excited to see what you come up with, so please start working. Our deadline is Saturday, September 18th, midnight. Good luck and happy drawing.


  1. I am interested in studying more about illustration, design, story development, and all that goes along with these subjects. Nate and Scott, would you mind sharing your favorite books and points of reference on the subjects? THANKS!

  2. Sure. For story : Story, by Robert McKee (beware though, I've had to sharpee alot of things out that I prefer to have not read at all), for design/illustration/personality: "Creating Characters with personality" by Tony Bancroft and "drawn to life" by Walt Stansfield (he was a master of gesture drawing ed...these are the two books I recommend most of all for your purposes). Visual Story by Bruce block (it is cinemetography but crossed over into illustration very well), any art of book from an animated movie. (be choosy though...make sure the movie you choose has High production value).

    And the best of all: Real life! Draw on your own experiences and be constantly looking for neat bits you can get in your work. Having a subject to research is also great. I also like www.theartcenter.blogspot.com but I hesitate in recommending it, because I click out quickly once in awhile because of content (nude figure drawings)...but that isn't too frequent and the artists there are professionals and have alot of great advice.
