Wednesday, July 6, 2011

New Contest - Dogs!

For this contest I'm going to give a general topic and let you individually decide where you want to go with it. The subject is...dogs. I have a short story idea that centers around man's canine friend and I wanted to offer a challenge to the group as well as to myself. I just may let everyone look over my shoulder on this one and see what I've been up to.

Thank you everyone for your continued participation. Our deadline is set for two weeks out (remember that this doesn't need to be a final piece of art but a sketch or simple demonstration of ideas, composition, etc).

July 22nd, 2011 (7/22/11)

Send in your submissions to the blog's email. Good luck.


  1. I would suggest drawing tons of reference before starting. I use google to fill up a folder of great reference on my desktop, open the files, and draw quick sketches (or sometimes more detailed sketches) so I can understand the subject I'm drawing before I design. This feeds your brain with the information necessary to make stronger choices and pencil strokes! Good luck.

  2. Great idea on the reference folder. Wham! I just set one up and filled it up with dogs. (I hope they're comfy in there until I pull them out tomorrow.) Thanks Scott!
